Our community grew by 5% this past year, let's take a look at the numbers.
** denotes a statistic that is new for the 2024 reporting year
We took a closer look at who our members are, and how we can represent them better.
We asked respondents to choose the option they identify with in regards to gender.
We asked respondents to rank how well they felt they belong in the Halihax community.
Our #jobs channel is used by employers and job seekers to showcase talent and opportunities that are available.
In this section we take a look at salary in comparison to other reported qualifications.
Percentages and reasons behind raises in 2024
What is the breakdown among people who believe they are compensated fairly?**
There are a number of factors that play into what a person is compensated. Stage, size, and location of company are key factors in determining what your potential salary could be.
What do we know about who employs people in the Halifax tech community?
We often see variance in salary based on experience, company characteristics, and region of employer headquarters.
Industry experience, median, of 12 years
We often look at salary above all when it comes to employment, but it's important to rationalize it against other quality of life metrics.
Weekly work hours, median, of 40 (no change since 2022)
The nature of working in a technology field is that you're able to work from almost anywhere that you can be connected to the internet. Often employers will pay based on a centralized pay scale.
71.6% of respondents touch code daily, let's take a look at what languages and technologies they're using.
We surveyed the community about their employer's RTO policies, and their perception of the practice.**
We surveyed our community for their perspective on the rising adoption of AI and how it impacts them.**
Since 2018 we've ran this yearly member survey. Our goal for this data is to be able to demonstrate trends that can inform investment to support the professional development and growth of our community.
A comparison of median salary by programming language from 2018-2024
We would like to thank all of the respondents to our 2024 survey, without you we would not be able to produce this resource for the community. If you know someone who may benefit from this data, please consider sharing it with them.
If you are not yet a member of our Slack community, please join us. Through Slack you will be able to stay up to date with discussion, upcoming events, and other news about the Halifax tech community.